Home Cleaning Guide
version 1.1
This guide addresses actinomycetes (“actinos”) and mold. Actinos are found in home dust, and come from human skin. They are now thought to potentially be a bigger contributor to CIRS than mold. Actinos cannot be killed, but they can be removed from the house with correct laundering. Mold is toxic to us, and is easily killed with vinegar. The cleaning solution mentioned below is useful for most home-cleaning needs.
Cleaning Solution
1 Quart Water
1 Tsp. 7th Generation Dish Soap (Or other non-toxic cleaner)
2 Tbsp. Vinegar
Cleaning Mold
Wipe away mold with Vinegar. Do not use bleach.
Wear a mask while dealing with mold.
Damp areas, like bathrooms, should be well-ventilated. Run a fan for at least an hour after showering to keep humidity low. Keep a window cracked for extra ventilation throughout the day. Use a dehumidifier for further ventilation. Where does your bathroom vent fan go? Find out.
Laundry should be washed with hot water, an extra rinse cycle, and added borax. Use non-toxic detergent as usual.
Clothing, towels, and rags should be washed after every use, never reworn, and put into a closed-lid laundry basket immediately after use.
Bed sheets should be washed as much as possible, daily if possible, and at least weekly. HEPA vacuum bed sheets/pillows on days you do not wash them.
Blankets, comforters, mattress pads, curtains, dog beds, and any other fabrics should be washed often.
Dust often, with a wet rag (Do not dry dust). Wet the rag with the Cleaning Solution. Get your baseboards, tops of picture frames, fans, vents, around the toilet, every surface exposed in the house, etc. Dust settles on all exposed areas. Split this work up so you get everywhere once a month.
HEPA vacuum flooring often, at least twice a week; good brands for floors are Simplicity and Raycop.
HEPA Vacuum couches and mattresses as well; good brands for furniture are Dibea and Raycop.
Use an Air Purifier that can capture particles sized 0.007 microns or smaller; good brands include AirOasis, Intellipure, IQ Air, and Air Doctor Pro.
Removing Actinomycetes Off The Body
Actinos will need to be scrubbed off the body, as this is where they’re produced.
Use Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap for the body. Scrub the body to properly exfoliate actinos off the skin.
Use Medicasp or Pine Tar for the hair.
All drains (sinks/tubs) should be cleaned monthly.
First, pour a quart of the Cleaning Solution down the drain and scrub with a stiff brush or straw cleaner.
Next, pour 8 oz of Hydrogen Peroxide down the drain. This will enforce further agitation/scrubbing. Let it work for 15 minutes.
Last, run water down the drain for a few minutes.